elasticbackup https://github.com/nickstenning/elasticbackup ============= elasticbackup is a set of two command-line tools, elasticbackup, and elasticrestore that you can use to backup and restore data from ElasticSearch indices using their scroll[1] and bulk[2] APIs. installing ---------- elasticbackup is available on the Python Package Index, so you can just pip install elasticbackup usage ----- To backup the data from an index "foo" on a remote server, "es-1.mydomain.com", that listens on port 9200, you can run elasticbackup es-1.mydomain.com:9200 foo By default, this will create two files in your working directory. One contains a JSON-serialisation of the index's mappings. The other contains a dump of the documents in the index, serialised as JSON, one per line. To restore these files to a local index, you might run elasticrestore -d -m localhost:9200 myfoo ./elasticrestore -d address-documents-20210314.json -m address-mappings-20210314.json localhost:40509 address For more information and complete options allowed by elasticbackup and elasticrestore, run elasticbackup -h elasticrestore -h